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WARC congratulates Obama on Nobel Peace Prize
Setri Nyomi: ''the right choise''
“This is the right choice”, Nyomi writes. “We thank God for the wisdom you continue to exhibit in navigating the complex issues of your nation and of the world - seeking peace, seeking justice and seeking the welfare of all.”
In recognizing Obama’s association with the United Church of Christ, Nyomi notes the church is a member of WARC and committed to “a social and economic justice agenda aimed at establishing conditions for sustainable peace in communities and countries worldwide”.
Nyomi’s congratulations join those of other religious leaders following the surprise selection of Obama for the award.
The full text of the letter follows.
Mr. President,
On behalf of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, it gives me great pleasure to offer you our congratulations for having been named the 2009 Nobel Peace Price laureate. This is the right choice. We thank God for the wisdom you continue to exhibit in navigating the complex issues of your nation and of the world—seeking peace, seeking justice and seeking the welfare of all.
The World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) is a global network of Presbyterian, Reformed, Waldensian, Uniting and
In celebrating your award, WARC recognizes the challenges which will confront you throughout your mandate as President of the
May the blessings of God’s grace attend you each and every day.
Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi
General Secretary
The World
Quelle: WARC Homepage, 10/12/2009